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Bankitwangi – Green Tea (24 gr)

A beautiful-looking, large-leaved green tea. The flavor of the leaf is clean, light, and
delicately floral. It also has a very appealing appearance. This large leaf green tea from Bukit
Sari Highland, has a stunning appearance. The leaf has a really elegant and graceful “curl,”.
At first glance, it appears to be a tea that will bring you joy! The color of the tea in your glass
is a vibrant and lively emerald green. This color is reflected in the flavor and aroma, which
are fresh green, mild, slightly flowery, and has a fruity quality and a sense of sweetness, the
tea has a perfect balance of all of its components. The tea develops more tingling and spicy
flavors of spinach, licorice, and sage as it is allowed to steep for a slightly longer period of